NEWS! Passport Now Required for This Popular Disney Cruise Line Destination!

Ahoy there, DFB mateys! Are you setting sail on the Disney Cruise Line anytime soon?

Disney Wonder

If so, there’s been an important update you’ll want to know about before you travel to this popular Carribean island!

The Disney Cruise Line has just announced that passengers traveling to the island of Martinique are now required to bring their valid passports along for the ride.

Disney Wonder

Previously, cruise passengers had been allowed to go ashore without this form of documentation, but the French-governed island has just instated stricter rules.

©Disney Fantasy

Since passports can take some time to acquire, we wanted to pass this info along to you swiftly! If you’re planning a 9-day trip aboard the Disney Fantasy or a 7-day voyage on the Disney Wonder to Martinique, you’ll want to make sure you have your passport on to so you can disembark!

Have you ever taken a Disney cruise? Let us know about your experience in the comments section!

from NEWS! Passport Now Required for This Popular Disney Cruise Line Destination!
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