How Will Disney Protect The Skyliner From Hurricane Dorian? Find Out Here!

We’re a little less than one month out from the grand opening of Disney’s newest mode of transportation — The Disney Skyliner Gondola System. These gondolas will soon allow guests to take to the skies for a birds-eye view of Walt Disney World Resort while they travel to their next destination.

Hurricane Dorian Graphic 8/30/2019

Currently, a category 4 hurricane named Hurricane Dorian is on the move, inching its way closer and closer to Walt Disney World Resort. The Orlando Airport has already announced a closure, and Disney World itself has confirmed hurricane closures and cancellations as well.

So with such a significant weather impact potentially on the way to Orlando, this leaves us with this question, will the new Disney Skyliner System be able to weather the storm?

Disney has started to batten down the hatches on things that could potentially blow away or be damaged in severe weather. For example, the Aerophile Balloon at Disney Springs has had its basket removed and has been VERY securely tied down. Look at that baby.

Disney Springs

And the pending hurricane threat has given us the answer to an important question we’ve been asking — what will Disney do with the Skyliner gondolas at times like this?

Disney Skyliner during Hurricane Dorian

As you can see, the Skyliner gondolas have been moved off the main lines. This is being done as a precaution to protect not only the gondolas, but Disney property, guests, and Cast Members as well.

Until the weather threat has passed, you may not spot the colorful gondolas flying overhead…or even in many of the actual stations where they’re usually stored when not running.

Hollywood Studios Gondola Station

So, where oh where have the gondolas gone?!

Hollywood Studios Skyliner Lines

After searching, we finally spotted them. It seems that Disney has been moving all of the gondolas to one central holding location — the Skyliner Station at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort!!

Caribbean Beach Resort Skyliner Station

Here, we spotted what looked like hundreds of gondolas lined up, ready to weather the potential storm. Or to attempt to do so!

Caribbean Beach Skyliner Station

As you can see, they’re currently being held outside. If they remain outdoors, we are interested to see how paint and windows hold up if a strong storm does take a path through Orlando.

Disney Skyliner Preparation for Dorian

Especially since they’re so close together.

Disney Skyliner at Caribbean Beach

They may end up with a few scratches and bumps, but we will just have to wait and see!

Disney is making other moves to prepare both guests and the Resort for the oncoming storm. You can read more about Disney’s efforts here!

And meanwhile, be sure to check out our DFB Video on how Disney deals with a hurricane!

We will be keeping you posted as the storm continues to progress. So keep checking back for more updates!

Have you ever been at Disney during a hurricane? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below!

from How Will Disney Protect The Skyliner From Hurricane Dorian? Find Out Here!
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